Saturday 17 September 2016

That Saturday feeling.....

What's it all about then?

We have been mentioning the hashtag on Twitter ECLCM, have you noticed it?

What does it mean some of you may be asking... indeed, some of you have asked us in tweets!  It abbreviates 'Every Child Leaving Care Matters'.  An awareness campaign to get support for kids coming out of care.  Did you know that on a child's 16th birthday, if they are in care, support usually stops?  No wonder there has been an increase in the number of young people you see sleeping rough.  Foster care gives support to kids up to their 21st birthday, and that gives them more chance!

But it isn't just kids leaving care is it?  Outreach workers tell us they have never seen so many young people at their food stations and soup kitchens as they are seeing now.

Can you imaging being on the street at 16?  The time when most kids are getting to grips with leaving childhood, emotions and hormones in turmoil... and no one person to turn to.

Don't get me wrong, there are people out there going the extra mile - well above what their jobs tell them they need to do.  There are outreach workers trying to link kids into safe places, but it isn't enough.

Crisis research, ok, its a couple of years old now, but it made a telling point.  It said

"Homelessness at a young age which is not resolved can lead to ongoing homelessness.  With a significant minority (42%) of ALL homeless people having first become homeless before the age of 20".

Young people aged 16 and 17  are deemed "priority need" and should be offered housing and support.  But it isn't always forthcoming.  And it isn't always safe.

"I got offered a hostel room" says one 15 year old "Thought I'd be safe.. HUH!  Attacked first night and kicked all over the room.  Complained, got a bigger beating next night for being a grass.  Came in next evening my room's trashed.  All my stuff, pictures and that, ripped up and pissed on.  I'm safer on the street mate.  And 'cos I'd been offered a room, I'm off the list, not Homeless no more.  It stinks."

So when you see that kid, the one that hangs around by the closed BHS, the pale kid with the haunted eyes....

Don't look the other way... too many are guilty of that.

And look, autumn is coming...

Blog written by Sue

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